Tameka Nichole Stephenson… Esthetician, Promoter, Personality, Music Enthusiast & Development Coach… hails from Norfolk, Virginia by way of Jackson, North Carolina. When not involved in independent artist development or producing entertainment summits, she operates #PerfectionsByTamekaNichole, LLC, where she spends her time promoting beauty and professional eyebrow artistry, as aided by over a decade of experience in the beauty industry as a professional brow educator and expert providing a natural hair removal technique, #NoWaxNoThread and a natural enhancer makeup artist.
Tameka Nichole gives time to the study of Hospitality & Resorts plus Hemp, Herbs & Muscadines for The Balmer Estates offering Hospitality, Beauty, Health and Wellness Naturally. Time to her Sanitary Napkin Business, www.TheQueenReign.com, Business consulting and artist development with #YourBeautyEntertainment Collectives, time to adults challenging Mental Health Disabilities and volunteering time to non-profit “Every Girl Shines” a multicultural program for high school & middle school age young girls as a mentor. Through her social campaign “#SistaSocialSupport” she offers social media support for women of on all social platforms as well as at social engagement and community outings where she collaborates with ‘sistas’.
When it comes to the music, Tameka Nichole began her music interest at the early age of 5 when her grandmother, Lillie Balmer moved her to the country town of Jackson, NC, after leaving the big city of Norfolk, VA, where all of her leisure time was dedicated simply to radio and beauty. Growing up on 103 Jamz (102.9fm WOWi) and FOXY (104.3fm/107.1fm) Tameka Nichole waited by the radio every night at 8 pm every night for any World Premiers and just to record the latest songs on her Just For Me cassette tapes that came free in her hair relaxer making a way to continuously hear her favorite songs while doing something in beauty, whether it was nails or hair, she fed her desire for both.
Tameka Nichole went on to attend North Carolina Central University where she stumbled into the pleasures of music, while walking the halls of the Farrison-Newton Communications building during the first week of her freshman year, causing her to change her major from her initial interest in from computers to Mass Communications with a concentration in Broadcast Media, and minoring in business.
Tameka Nichole found immediate interest in the campus student radio station, AudioNet Campus Access Radio where she was able to build her talent as a Radio Personality, a dream that she held since the age of 5. After becoming heavily involved with AudioNet she was one of the main on-air personality to interview/record artist drops from celebrities in the entertainment industry.
Tameka Nichole then went on to become an NCCU Liasion for Black College Radio (BCR) as well as being given the opportunity to attend the BCR conferences launched by Lo Jelks in Atlanta, GA then on to become a representative for NCCU at the Kings Dominion “BET Black College Day.” From there she went on to finally create her own radio show, “The Pay Back” (paid homage to all those Classic R&B tunes that have been re-made and or sampled.). While at NCCU during her Junior year with the help of then Station Director, Truitt Oneal, Tameka Nichole become founding Organizer and President of AudioNet, affording the student station its first grant, the station to gain necessary equipment such as station microphones.
From gaining all insights while working with AudioNet Tameka Nichole started early with Radio internships, holding her first internship the summer after her freshman year with First Media Radio in Weldon, NC to better prepare herself for her next internship, the summer after her sophomore year with Radio One Incorporated station, later using this opportunity to venture into the station’s promotion and marketing events as well as a cultivating a invaluable business relationship with Brian Dawson, where she worked as Executive Assistant and Assistant Director of Operations, Online Advertising & Marketing for Chase Media/BD Entertainment.
Tameka Nichole, now fifteen plus years later, her investments in people, through hospitality, esthetics, brand and artist development, she has developed a better insight on who she is and what she has to offer the world when it comes to entertainment. After years of cultivating, in 2017 she decided to simply merge of the two, Beauty & Entertainment. Tameka Nichole rebranded creating, “Tameka Nichole the Brand” and is now coined as “Your Beauty Entertainer”, the statement verbally expresses the combination of her life-time experiences in the beauty and entertainment industry. Her main goal is to promote beauty within while promoting the understanding that in every life experience beautiful or not, there’s always a “Soundtrack to YOUR Life”, it’s all about a memory, mood, having the feel of a hypnotic groove playing those tracks that simply get you tapping your feet and nodding your head.
DANCE! Just "Let The Music Play" by Shannon!
Offering full on personality, Your Beauty Entertainer as a host provides to all an entertaining experience that will enlighten your knowledge of the beauty and entertainment industry, divulging the everyday beautification hacks in music for women and men to continually keep the socializing, mingling, and party going!
“I told myself I would never stop achieving the unattainable, I took a chance and Perfected it into a craft not so much of a gamble because I’m a woman able to do anything, not perfect but perfecting my imPERFECTIONS, and I’m HERE NOW!!!” – Tameka Nichole #YourBeautyEntertainer
For more information about Tameka Nichole, log on to www.TamekaNichole.com
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Tameka Nichole Contact # (404) 969.5274 email 1055fmtheking@gmail.com